Advances studies: At the Law School of Jurisprudence Central University of the Ecuador
Title: Doctor in Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Tribunals of the Republic. No.1368 Registers Pichincha School of Lawyers.
Courses of Post-Grade: Institute of High National Studies, XIV Curse, of October, 1986 to August 1987.
University of Florida: Course on Strategies and Regulation Organized by the World Bank. University of Florida Gainesville, Florida USA. 2001
Delegate of Integrations Commission Regional Electrical, Ecuador - ECUACIER, to several congresses of international character for revision and treatment of themes related with the electric applicable legislation at the entities and companies that Vice-President and Secretary Bird form the referred Commission's part, in the ones that you exercised President shows in.
Technical International coordinator of Integrations Commission Regional Electrical Ecuador and of the First Subcommittee of Legal Affairs and Reglamentary of the same Commission, accomplished at Puerto Iguazú's, Argentine Republic city - CIER, and as such, organizer of the I SAW Issues Symposium Juridical of Electricity, accomplished at the city of Quito -.
Electric member of several official commissions formed for the elaboration of the different projects de jure, including that one that elaborated in use Law of the Electric Sector.
Participation in the different commissions designated in the CONELEC, for elaboration of the several regulations of law enforcement of the Electric Sector.
Lecturer in different academic events organized for the diffusion of the legal, required and regulatory ground rules of the electric sector of the Ecuador.
Performed Works
- INECEL's Attorney (Legal Department).
- The SNI's boss of the Juridical Apartment of Operations Management DOSNI - INECEL.
- Director of Juridical Expert Advice of the Ecuadorian Institute of Electrification.
- On these duties, it was his responsibility to attend to each one of the legal matters that appeared in this entity, including acting as a consultant to the executive directions, divisions and other administrative units. It was also his responsibility the General Management and directive board consultancy and the supervision of the legal work that was done by the legal units and department of the different administrative units of the mentioned entity in the city of Quito and other cities where the operation units worked.
- At the Public Administration General Secretary - Republic of Ecuador Presidency, he was the Main Consultant
- Consejo Nacional de la Electricidad - CONELEC, Consultan.
- As part of his performed duties he participated on the structuring and checking of various application rules of the Law Electrical Sector (Ley de Régimen del Sector Eléctrico) its regulations and other necessary rules to apply the mentioned law.
- He was also part of the revision of the format and granting contracts projects and permission to give the granting and permits to the different companies who worked in the generation and distribution of electric energy.
- Since November 4th 2003, he is the Director of the Juridical Law Office, we offer legal expert advices to companies that are dedicated to the development and execution of projects related with the electrical sector and in order to obtain effective results we are also involved at legal advising in the administrative fields, companies fields, arbitration and other ones of juridical character.