About Us

Our specialty is focused on the legal advising that our Juridical Study offers to accomplish investments at the electric Ecuadorian sector based in the experience that we have and in this case we have been a part for many years of the aforementioned sector

These legal advises are intended to guide according to design plans, formulating and offering development of the different projects of electric generation, to finally obtain legal permissions and the respective instruments for which we may obtain the respective Ecuadorian delegation.  We offer our legal expertise for the electrical sector.

Standing out the professional antecedent that exists and that refers to the fact that we have worked on different function that inside the same sector have been under our responsibility within the same hydroelectrically area. We have sponsored several companies in the formulation, development and execution of many generation’s and / or and self-generation projects of electric power.

We worked for CONELEC, institution whose faculty is to give permissions in this sector, and also participated in the elaboration and creation of several regulations that are applied in the country that allows us to know the amplitude of in force regulation.